NOMAD CAMELS video campaign

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NOMAD CAMELS is an open-source software developed by the Chair of Applied Physics within the FAIRmat project. CAMELS controls experiments and acquires measurement data with a focus on individual experimental setups consisting of many (measurement) instruments. A special feature of CAMELS is that the measurement data is recorded in accordance with the FAIR principles directly at the origin – the experiment – with all relevant metadata accessible to the measurement computer. Measurement protocols can be configured without programming knowledge and can easily be adapted to new research questions at any time.

The FAIRmat project has produced a video campaign in collaboration with the Chair of Applied Physics to introduce NOMAD CAMELS to the community. From today, short video clips will be presented daily on the FAIRmat LinkedIn channel explaining CAMELS and the motivation behind its development.

Click here for the NOMAD CAMELS video campaign. We look forward to many likes, comments and reposts!

Further information:

Want to know more about NOMAD CAMELS? We look forward to hearing from you!